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Hence, to determine the Peak Acceleration of a random test, we will find the (grms)2 area under the Power Spectral Density curve, take its square root and multiply it by 3. The required Peak Velocity and Peak Displacement terms can be found by synthetically integrating and double integrating the Acceleration PSD (dividing the amplitude of that spectrum by ω=2πf and by w2) and repeating these actions.Figure 12: A typical random test profile displayed in log/log format.
Figure 13: The test profile of Figure 12 displayed in linear/linear format.
In order to find the area under each (log A versus log f) PDF segment, we will need to have the A(f) equation for each curve. On the log/log plot, each straight-line segment can be described by:
y = mx + b
y = log10(A)
x = log10(f)
m = log10(A2) - log10(A1) / log10(f2) - log10(f1) = log10(A2/A1) / log10(f2/f1)
b = log_10(A_1 )
Hence: log10(A) = mlog10(f) + log10(A1)
From which:
1) A = A1fm (g2/Hz)