Slip Tables*

Vibration testing requirements commonly call for horizontal position testing, and with that many shakers are built with slip tables to facility these testing needs. Sentek Dynamics offers mono-base and stand-alone slip tables for vibration testing in low and high-pressure designs in standard sizes ranging from 300 mm (12 inches) to 2500 mm (98 inches). Custom sizes are also available including expandable slip tables when a larger mounting area is occasionally required.

In a mono-base configuration, the shaker and slip table share a structural steel body that enables rapid conversion between vertical and horizontal positions, and the accurate alignment of the shaker relative to the slip table when rotated to the horizontal position. 

In a stand-alone configuration, the slip table is mounted on an independent steel platform supported by leveling feet that allows any vertical shaker from Sentek Dynamics or other manufacturer to couple with the slip table assembly.

LST Series – Sentek Dynamics’ low-pressure LST Series slip tables provide an affordable solution to horizontal vibration testing requirements. LST Series slip tables utilize V-groove bearings to guide the magnesium slip plate over an oil-film on a precision ground granite slab.  Oil from an integral hydraulic power supply is dispersed through ports in the granite slab under the magnesium slip plate.

  • Affordable solution for horizontal vibration testing

  • Integral hydraulic pump, reservoir, and filter

50 kN (11,000 lbf) system with 800 mm (32 in) Monobase Slip Table

V-groove Bearing - shown with slip plate removed

Low Pressure Slip Table Specifications
Model Max Payload Slip Plate Thickness Slip Plate Mass No. of Bearings Mass per Bearing Total Bearing Mass Over-Turning Moments
Pitch Roll Yaw
kg lb mm in kg lb kg lb kg lb N-m lbf-ft N-m lbf-ft N-m lbf-ft
LST300M 100 220 25 1.0 7 15 1 2 4.4 2 4.4 500 369 500 369 200 148
LST400M 150 330 25 1.0 10 22 1 2 4.4 2 4.4 875 645 875 645 200 148
LST500MT 150 330 25 1.0 14 31 2 2 4.4 4 8.8 1538 1134 1538 1134 200 148
LST500M 300 660 45 1.8 24 52 2 2 4.4 4 8.8 1538 1134 1538 1134 200 148
LST600M 300 660 45 1.8 34 75 2 2 4.4 4 8.8 2200 1623 2200 1623 200 148
LST700M 300 660 45 1.8 48 106 2 2 4.4 4 8.8 3000 2213 3000 2213 200 148
LST800M 400 880 45 1.8 60 132 2 2 4.4 4 8.8 3900 2876 3900 2876 200 148
LST900M 400 880 45 1.8 78 172 2 2 4.4 4 8.8 4900 3614 4900 3614 200 148
LST1000M 500 1100 45 1.8 135 298 4 2 4.4 8 17.6 6600 4868 6600 4868 1400 1033
LST1200M 500 1100 50 2.0 144 317 4 2 4.4 8 17.6 9100 6712 9100 6712 1540 1136
LST1500M 800 1760 50 2.0 246 542 6 2 4.4 12 26.5 14,750 10,879 14,750 10,879 3150 2323
LST1800M 1000 2200 60 2.4 323 712 6 2 4.4 12 26.5 20,700 15,268 20,700 15,268 3780 2788
LST2000M 1000 2200 60 2.4 478 1054 8 2 4.4 16 35.3 27,200 20,062 27,200 20,062 5600 4130

HST Series – high-pressure slip tables utilizing T-slot bearings designed for testing heavy payloads with a high center of gravity. The HST Series provides the highest resistance to pitch, roll and yaw over-turning moments.

  • Optimum solution for testing heavy payloads with a high center of gravity

  • Separate hydraulic power supply and oil cooler

  • More reliable than hydrostatic journal bearings

  • Lower maintenance costs over an extended period

T-slot Bearing – shown with slip plate removed

High Pressure Slip Table Specifications
Model Max Payload Slip Plate Thickness Slip Plate Mass No. of Bearings Mass per Bearing
Total Bearing Mass Over-Turning Moments
Pitch Roll Yaw
kg lb mm in kg lb kg lb kg lb N-m lbf-ft N-m lbf-ft N-m lbf-ft
HST800M 8,000 17,600 45 1.8 81 179 4 5 11.0 20 44.1 45,000 33,190 38,000 28,027 8,600 6,343
HST900M 9,000 19,080 45 1.8 95 209 4 5 11.0 20 44.1 45,000 33,190 38,000 28,027 8,600 6,343
HST1000M 10,000 22,000 50 2.0 121 267 9 5 11.0 45 99.2 90,000 66,381 82,000 60,480 15,000 11,306
HST1200M 10,000 22,000 50 2.0 183 403 9 5 11.0 45 99.2 112,000 82,607 98,000 72,281 17,000 12,539
HST1500M 15,000 33,000 50 2.0 292 644 16 5 11.0 80 176.0 200,000 147,521 156,000 115,060 24,000 17,701
HST1800M 15,000 33,000 50 2.0 384 847 16 5 11.0 80 176.4 224,000 165,214 178,000 131,286 28,000 20,652
HST2000M 18,000 39,600 60 2.4 598 1316 25 5 11.0 125 275.6 238,000 175,540 195,000 143,825 36,000 26,552
HST2500M 25,000 55,000 60 2.4 909 2004 36 5 11.0 180 396.0 265,000 195,454 202,000 148,988 45,000 33,190

*Systems tested & assembled in the USA now available. Contact sales for details.