Remote Vibration Test Monitoring in the EDM Cloud by Crystal Instruments

In today’s distributed work environment with employees working on-site and remotely, cloud capabilities are essential for an organization to operate effectively. Sentek Dynamics customers have a powerful time-saving tool available to them in the Engineering Data Management [EDM] Cloud by Crystal Instruments, Sentek Dynamics sister company and world-class data acquisition and vibration control innovator. The EDM Cloud provides a digital workplace for monitoring vibration tests from anywhere in the world.

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Multiple-Exciter Single-Axis (MESA) Vibration Control with Crystal Instruments Vibration Controller

This paper discusses the usage and unique features of Multiple-Exciter Single-Axis (MESA) control with Crystal Instruments vibration controller.

MESA is a type of multiple exciter setup with all exciters arranged along a single axis. The goal is to combine the excitation forces and dimensional capabilities from multiple exciters to test a long and/or large Unit Under Test. MIL-STD-810G Method 527 discusses the terminology involving single and multiple exciter testing configurations.

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Battery Testing with CAN bus

Sentek Dynamics’ THV Series Environmental Test Systems with the Crystal Instruments’ Spider-101 Controller provide a turn-key solution for product development/certification and reliability improvement. The Crystal Instruments’ controller with IEEE Time Synchronization is the optimum solution for combined temperature, humidity and vibration testing of batteries, electrical and electro-mechanical components.

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Using Multi Sine Test In VCS

Developed by the automotive industry where Swept Sine testing is the standard, Multi Sine is a test type to that reduces the run time by running multiple sine tones simultaneously as opposed to the single sine tone of a standard Swept Sine test. Crystal Instrument’s Multi-Sine tests offer up to 9 simultaneous sine tone sweeps, covering the entire frequency band of the Swept Sine test in a fraction of the time.

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Sine Sweep in High Frequency Range

Executing a sine vibration control test is a common method of verifying the performance of the manufactured product under real world conditions. However, there are various challenges that could hinder a successful sine sweep test. These challenges include system structural dynamics (resonances and anti-resonances present in the system), sensor placement location, measurement dynamic range, and sensor quality and mounting method.

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Modal Analysis of Disc Brake Rotor using EDM Modal

This article examines the acquisition of modal characteristics from a disc brake rotor by performing experimental modal analysis. Brake systems are required for safe vehicle operation. The major component of a brake system is the disc brake rotor. While braking, the excitation frequency level can match natural frequencies and this phenomenon of resonance can cause the brake to squeal, potentially generating unpleasant vibration and noise.

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